I know you’ve all been waiting for an actual update on PDXWildlife’s work here during the Fall 2016 season and (more importantly) my visit to Zhen Zhen and her one-year old cubs, affectionately dubbed the “Zwinkies” by admirers.  I only got about 15 minutes for my first visit because I was being shuttled off to dinner for a Chinese Valentine’s Day Dinner with the head of the Gengda Base. I’ll share the indoor pictures first and do another series on the outdoor play session on my second visit.

Zwinkies! Twin 2 coming toward the camera is supe inquisitive and such a ham! She seems to be perpetually posing for the camera.

Zwinkies! Twin 2, coming toward the camera, is super inquisitive and such a ham! She seems to be perpetually posing for the camera.

Beautiful Zhen Zhen

Beautiful Zhen Zhen

Personally, I think the SDZ pandas are some of the most beautiful bears! (I’m probably a little biased!) So when I visited Zhen Zhen and the Zwinkies at Gengda I just had to take some closeups of Zhen Zhen.  I think the photo above may be the best I’ve taken of her to date.  Zhen Zhen fans who have been following her since her birth will be happy to hear that she’s such a good, fun-loving mom!  Even though my time with her only totaled 45 minutes for this visit, I can see how playful and gentle she is with her cubbies.  While I didn’t know her in San Diego (I wasn’t working there yet), here in China she’s always been a mellow yet attentive bear – she’s one of those all-knowing, zen (or zhen) pandas.

They were very interested in their new visitor (me)! Giving me the eye as they ate bamboo.

They were very interested in their new visitor (me)! Giving me the eye as they ate bamboo.

Eating while the Zwinkies wrestle it out in the background.

Zhen Zhen eating while the Zwinkies wrestle it out in the background.

I was a little disappointed in my visit because I really wanted to capture the quintessential “family photo” but, alas, 45 minutes just isn’t enough time to capture that super special moment.  I wasn’t there long enough during the evening cuddling time.  But I did get a couple of good photos both inside and outside where all three were in the frame.

Another shot very similar to the above shot but captured a couple of seconds later when Zwinkie 1 rolled into the cutest position.

Another shot very similar to the above shot but captured a couple of seconds later when Zwinkie 1 rolled into the cutest position.

Zhen Zhen 3

Moooo-ooooom come play with me!!

Zwinkies 2

The Zwinkies were chasing each other up and down the indoor bedroom while they waited for the outdoor enclosure to be cleaned.

There was quite a bit of rough and tumble play going on and I even captured some video. I hope you enjoy it! It’s fun to see them jump on each other and pounce from cage to cage.



Sometimes the light hits just right to capture a stunning and unusual photo and while I’d prefer for this photo to be in a more natural setting I think the lighting is beautiful and is actually caused by the cage bars.



I tried to get a couple of “lone” photos of each twin but the constant play made it a little difficult 🙂


Eating was the only time I managed to get some non-blurry photos. In retrospect I probably should have switched to sports mode or something but I’m always so caught up in the moment that sometimes I even forget to take photos!  We’ll need to hire a professional photographer at some point . . . sigh.

I leave this as the "teaser" photo for the outdoor shoot. They were all waiting to get out and play!

I leave this as the “teaser” photo for the outdoor shoot. They were all waiting anxiously to get out and play!

I hope you enjoyed this quick indoor photo shoot and can’t wait to share the very large photo shoot of them playing outdoors which may take multiple blog post to get through all the photos but I figured you guys wouldn’t mind 😉


P.S. I thanked the keeper from all of the Zhen Zhen fans and told her we were so happy that our special little family had such an attentive and thoughtful friend.