We’ve been lucky with the weather over the last couple of days. The sunshine has brought all of the moms and cubs outside to play – including Ying Hua and her cub!
As you’ll recall from Daniel’s and Nate’s last posts on Ying Hua and cubs, Ying Hua was taking care of 3 cubs- her own, Qian Qian #2, and one of Xi Nier’s. I don’t know if you remember how adventurous & spunky her own daughter was in Nate’s October post (the oldest cub born on 6/19/15 so close to 8 months old now) but she hasn’t changed a bit!
Just like any other baby animal, she’s constantly moving, exploring, and has the attention span of, well, an 8 month old! I can just see personality rolling off of this little girl and can’t wait to do novel object trials on her when we begin cubs (yes that’s in the future with our personality and domestication research! I bet you can’t WAIT for the video). Mom sure has her hands full with this one but I can tell that she’s so loving and really enjoys her daughter.
WARNING: You’re about to get a cuteness (and picture) overload!

Rolly polly little cutie!

She knows she’s photogenic

What a ham!

Sun bathing – doesn’t she just look so content?

“The sunshine makes me drowsy”

Cub: “Love you mom! Let’s play!”

Cub:”Mom come on and play”.
Ying Hua: “*Chuckle*, you’re insatiable”.
Don’t you love the look of loving tolerance on Ying Hua’s face? Almost like she’s laughing and pushing Xiao Ying Hau away. As a mom, I’ve been there . . .

Cub: “Please, mom, come on let’s play!”

Ying Hua: “Let’s cuddle instead . . .”

Cub: “OK but just for a second.”

Ying Hua: “OK you asked for it!”

Ying Hua: “Tickle monster!”
Cub: “LOL”

Cub: “You’re the best mom”

Cub: “Thanks mom – I love you more than the world!”
A mother’s love . . .

Ying Hua: “See what a great cub I have and what a great mom I am?”

More cuddles

Big bear hugs!
Oh my! This wasn’t even half of what I took but since you’re all probably getting close to your cuteness quota for the day I just HAD to end by including this video of Ying Hua’s cub playing in her enclosure.
Want to help us to reach our goal of personality testing giant panda cubs and moms? Donate here.
I hope you enjoyed this intimate look into a panda mother’s love.
Soon I’ll be sharing pictures of our new interns in training and arriving in Ya’an! Stay tuned.
Do you know who is the neighbor “barking” at Ying Hua’s daughter on the video?
Yes Hu Chun. I haven’t seen her before this year. The studbook says she was born in 2010 which puts her just at breeding age and she’s the daughter of Wu Gang and Ye Ye (natural mating not AI).
Thanks Meg! Hu Chun and Cai Tao moved to the Taiyuan Zoo on May 30, 2013. I am not sure when Hu Chun returned to Bifengxia. I think that Cai Tao is still at the Taiyuan Zoo.