For this week, I have prepared a lot of pictures (and a small video too!). Here’s what happened last week:
- Last Tuesday, the vets, managers and keepers at the base collected Yi Bao´s sperm. Here are a few pictures of the procedure:

The vet room where the sperm collection happens. I think it’s so interesting how zoo vets have to modify human equipment so it can fit on the animals
- Here is short video of Zhaung Mei´s Baby climbing a tree: Did you know? Pandas are very good climbers and they love going up into trees to just rest at the top. Babies spend days just lying on the branches, and only come back down when they are hungry (see Meghan’s post about Hua Rong and Hua Mei here). In the wild, females in estrous will climb a tree and wait for the males to congregate at the bottom and compete for her – the winning male wins breeding rights.
- Lin Bing was also trying to practice here climbing skills, here there are a few funny pictures of her: