PDXWildlife specializes in the following services
Data Collection Skills:
- Captive and wild animal behavior surveys
- Animal welfare analyses
- Tissue sampling for genetic analysis
- Tissue sampling for environmental contaminants
- Sampling non-invasive hormone analysis
- Population surveys
- Key informant interviews
- Sensitive, threatened, and endangered species surveys
- Habitat surveys
- Environmental monitoring
Processing and analysis of ecological data such as:
- Environmental contaminants in animal & plant tissue
- Population genetics
- Behavioral data
- Endocrine level and reproductive cycle monitoring
- Habitat quality surveys
- Bioacoustics data
- Organization of large data sets
- Database management
Community Outreach
- Education program development
- Public awareness campaigns
- Outreach program efficacy
- Presentations
- Event coordination
Project Management
- Budgeting and scheduling
- Volunteer training and coordination
- Communication
- Program reviews
For further information please contact us.