New Internship Posted: Gibbon Husbandry

We have just posted a new Internship! This internship will be based in Thailand where interns will work with endangered small apes (gibbons), monkeys, and other native wildlife. Go to the internships tab for more details and select “Gibbon Husbandry...

Career Day at Sunset High School

Last week I participated in the Career Day at Sunset High School (in Beaverton) as the guest speaker for career sciences. Needless to say, I was a bit intimidated by high school kids. I am used to adult students and I was very worried about engaging and teaching...

Saying Goodbye to Laos

Time has come to say goodbye to all my friends and colleagues in Laos. Isn’t it always the way that when you finally feel at home then it is time to go again? I will never forget the sounds of the jungle unobstructed by any man-made noise, the feeling of being...

Our Summer Panda Intern: Arina Woolery

We’re a week out from having my Summer Panda Intern join us over here so I thought I’d introduce you all to her since you’ll be seeing posts about pandas from her!  I’m absolutely thrilled to have her on board and know that she’ll get...

Meet the Columbia River: current status and challenges

The Columbia River is one of the most appreciated landmarks by Oregonians; we all love its recreational potential: gorgeous scenic hikes, windsurfing, and wine tasting, among many others. The Columbia River also provides critical habitat and passageway for many...

Sabaidee Pii Mai

As I near the end of my time here I feel compelled to write something about the unique Lao culture, customs, people, and how all of this relates to conserving wildlife. I have been impressed by the generosity, kindness, and gentleness of Lao people. The religion in...