by Meg | Feb 20, 2017 | Science |
The PDXWildlife Winter Research season is about to kick off and I’m writing this in the airport as I wait for, yet another, delayed flight to San Francisco. Fingers crossed I make it to my connection (and my bags do as well!). While I’m never thrilled...
by Meg | Feb 9, 2017 | Science |
At the request of quite a few diligent blog readers, I have accumulated as many panda vocalizations as possible over the last couple weeks. The following video shows a pretty expansive variety of vocalizations; the one that will be most prevalent is the bleat which...
by Meg | Feb 6, 2017 | Panda |
For my first post in February, I want to write a little about the different parenting styles of the mothers at Bifengxia. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise, but each mother interacts with her cubs differently and it is fascinating. Most of the mothers are...
by Meg | Jan 24, 2017 | Panda |
As I was assigned to lead the Maternal Care studies, I have been lucky to see more of the cub/mother interactions than my fellow interns. There is nothing quite like watching a mother and her cub(s) snuggling and playing with each other, but I also welcome the days...
by Meg | Jan 20, 2017 | Internship, Science |
I have returned home safe and sound and Zachary David remained at Tiantai Shan to continue with our studies. Here’s what he has to say about our first camera trap set-up at Tiantai Shan: “After many setbacks and missteps, from Meg’s bag getting lost, to...
by Meg | Jan 19, 2017 | Panda, Science |
I have just returned from my stay in Tiantai Shan and after many trials and tribulations (mostly involving traveling during the winter) Zachary David and I managed to make our first visit up to Tiantai Shan, the site of the Phase II Giant Panda Reintroduction Training...
by Meg | Jan 12, 2017 | Internship |
In my last post, I discussed how maneuvering the pandas from different environments here at Bifengxia can have a direct effect on observed behaviors. This could be due to a number of factors, however, the first that comes to mind is being presented with new...
by Meg | Jan 11, 2017 | Panda, PDXWildlife |
We’re here! Finally!! And ready to start our reintroduction work! After two days of down time in Chengdu waiting for my suitcase, I was finally able to change into new (i.e. clean) clothes, and Zachary David and I got picked up at 9am this morning to head to...
by Meg | Jan 10, 2017 | PDXWildlife |
We were invited to dinner the other evening and a question came up that I have been hearing more than often- Why did you start PDXWildlife? After realizing that this information is absent from our website, I thought it might be pertinent to give some attention to the...
by Meg | Jan 8, 2017 | Panda |
Happy 2017! How about we celebrate the new year with some panda news? Mei Xi has recently moved to the International Panda Paradise/Park (IPP), which is the backside of BFX with her two cubs so now is a great time to snap some pictures of this family. It has been...