What could be more popular than Taco Bell after 1am and Starbuck’s PSL? Why giant panda mating of course!
PDXWildlife is one group, of many interested, in helping this charismatic species evade extinction.

Wu Gang being super charming.
In order to help giant pandas in the wild we conduct research on the captive population. This leads us to better understanding the species and can eventually allow for release of young captive pandas to the wild. Helping China’s national animal survive is very popular. Like us, many students come to Bifengxia to carry out research. It is awesome to be able to collaborate with others from around the globe about conserving giant pandas and conservation in general.

A few people observing Cui Cui and Wu Gang mating.
The species not only attracts many researchers but also the general public! With many females going in to estrus we have been very busy the past couple weeks. To add to the busy and chaotic time multiple camera crews have been hanging around the base to catch shots of the famous panda mating. It can get a little crowded sometimes with an audience of 30 + observing a mating.

One of the bigger crowds we’ve seen
Some of the pandas can be a little shy with such a big crowd but many go about their business not giving a thought to their popularity.

Sometimes we have to get creative to see what is happening. Here I’m recording mating behavior from Nicki’s shoulders!
While making it seem a little crazy at times this popularity is ideal for spreading the word about conservation. This mega fauna helps raise awareness about their situation and other species like them!