Hi, my name is Hailey Wallace, I am a junior at Southern Utah University, located in Cedar City, Utah. I will be graduating April 2017 (Bachelor of Science in Biology, Minor in Agricultural Science). Upon graduation, I plan to apply to Oregon State University and further study wildlife science and conservation biology. Some fun facts about myself are, I’m currently 6’2 and still growing (yes, you read that right), I have curly hair that is crazy and does whatever it wants, I also love animals, and love to read.

Presenting QLR research at the Southern Utah University College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate Research Symposium.
I have performed undergraduate research at Southern Utah University on a variety of species, and topics. Specifically, measuring distributions of tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum), measuring the exoskeleton shed rate of Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) and, comparing invasive and non-invasive methods of trapping desert shrews (Notiosorex crawfordi) and vagrant shrews (Sorex vagrans).Currently I am sorting and identifying insects for a pollinator data collection survey.
I grew up in a small farming town called, Erda, Utah. Throughout my youth and into high school, I raised hogs, cattle, and sheep through programs such as 4-H and FFA. Growing up, I always asked for animals for Christmas/birthday/Valentines/Halloween any holiday which I saw fit. I didn’t get animals for every occasion (not to my liking), but had the privilege to grow up with, dogs, cats, horses, hamsters, birds, fish and turtles. My parents had to put up with many requests, and narrow down the lists to realistic household pets each time. I’ve always loved animals.
I love to travel and had the opportunity to conduct an EDGE (Education Designed to Give Experience) project through SUU, by living in Heidelberg, Germany for two months in the summer of 2014. I also had the opportunity to be an expedition volunteer, for CHOICE humanitarian in the State of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala while preforming humanitarian work. This will be my first time traveling to China, and I cannot be more excited.
I am extremely grateful to PDXWildlife, for this amazing opportunity. I am so excited to be working with captive Giant Pandas, this will be my first experience traveling/living in China, as well as doing animal behavioral studies. I can’t wait to keep all of PDXWildlife’s followers updated on my trip, as well as the many amazing experiences which I will have.