Many of the people that we have either met in person or follow our research have the unique quality of being able to identify pandas from a very limited amount of information. We thought we would incite some competition amongst these dedicated few by putting their I.D. skills to the test.

For those who are able to correctly identify the following five bears using only the photos provided, PDXWildlife will send the winner(s) a panda hat and calendar. In order to participate, you will need to post your correct answers in the comment section of this article. Our hat and calendar stock is limited, so we can only accommodate a few winners, and are on a first comment first served basis.

The only hint that I will give is that all of the bears are currently housed at the Bifengxia facility. Good luck.

Panda ID # 1

Panda ID # 1

Panda ID # 2

Panda ID # 2

Panda ID # 3

Panda ID # 3

Panda ID # 4

Panda ID # 4

Panda ID # 5

Panda ID # 5