This week I thought I’d switch it up and ACTUALLY write about just pandas…I know, pretty crazy, right? 🙂
Something exciting happened this past Saturday, April 9th. Lu Lu, a favorite of fans and followers, had his first successful mating of the season! Woo-hoo!!! The keepers were teasing him a little, saying he was getting old (he’ll be ~15 this year)…but he finally had some success with Duo Duo (Duo Duo’s identifier is her set of big “Mickey Mouse” ears).

Duo Duo’s “Mickey Mouse” ears
It was Duo Duo’s first time mating at all this season, successful or otherwise. She was apprehensive about it on the first attempt; lots of barking and moaning with her high-pitched voice. But after an hour or so and some time apart, a persistent Lu Lu moved the party to the inside area of his enclosure, and in a matter of minutes…success!
The next morning they were successful again, and it only took one ten-minute attempt!

Sorry for the low quality – it can get dark inside and busy!
So, I guess the moral of this story is…persistence pays off? Age is just a number? You’re as young as you feel? Feel free to insert your own cliché here 🙂
The point is, Lu Lu was successful, so everyone is happy!