Hello Panda People!
I’ve lost track of how many days it’s been here in Ya’an; I guess it’s like this has been home all along! The girls and I are getting to know our pandas better with each day, not to mention that the babies are growing bigger at an exciting rate! The little naked mole rat-looking things are now furry little puppy dogs in my eyes. We even came up with a name for Su Qin’s baby – Dien Dien (meaning spotted because she has a little black spot on her flank).

Shu Qin and her 2016 baby
Last week I got to watch Yang Yang, Lin Bing, Ying Hua, and Le Sheng for their stereotypical behaviors! Yang Yang is such a cutie pie – I think he’s the smallest male I have seen so far. I was thinking that I would end up having a favorite panda by now, but I think that’s impossible. They are all so special in their own unique ways!

Yang Yang Being Adorable
Bonus: Here is Lin Bing’s neighbor, Xiang Lin, sitting in quite a peculiar way.
Thank you for your observations! Keep up the good