So tomorrow is endangered species day and in case you want to celebrate all the imperiled species out there here are links to events in the Portland area:

image from
- The Oregon Zoo (of course) will be celebrating some of our international (think Orangs and Wild Dogs) and national/local endangered species (think Western Pond Turtles and Condors). There will be special talks at some of the exhibits following this schedule:
Orangutans – 11 a.m.
Western Pond Turtle – 11:30 a.m.
Condors – 12:30 p.m.
Sun Bears – 1 p.m.
Wild Dogs – 1:30 p.m.
Penguins (regular daily chat) – 2:15 p.m
White Oak Savannah
2. Restoration will be happening at White Oak Savannah from 9am – noon, which will concentrate on invasive plant removal at the new natural park and wildlife habitat in West Linn.

Image from last years Children’s Nature Fair at Leach
3. Not technically an endangered species day event but sounds cool anyway the Children’s Nature Fair at Leach Botanical Gardens is focused on “wild critters” and will include animal visitors from the Oregon Zoo and Audubon Education Birds, activities, arts/crafts about animals, paper making, Audubon Scavenger Hunt, Ladybug Walks, music, Zenger Farm chickens, snacks for sale and 25 cent ice cream! It’s free but they appreciate donations.