Talks in China went really well and we’re moving forward with our reintroduction research. We will also be conducting a pilot on new breeding projects (more information soon!). Therefore . . . we’re going to be hiring interns for Winter 2020. We need 2 interns that will continue field research in the reintroduction enclosures at Tiantaishan and Hetaoping (camera trapping). They will also be conducting behavioral observations of footage obtained from the camera traps on non-camera trap days.
The flyer is here. This work is really great for students that don’t want a complete field immersion – those that want to learn the basics of camera trapping & behavioral ecology but still have the ability to sleep in a bed every night. Please share it widely with anyone you think would be interested.
As always, we’re super excited to be going back and start up our research again. Can’t wait for some spicy beef noodle soup already!

Meghan Martin is the Director and Primary Research Scientist of PDXWildlife. She is a postdoctoral researcher for San Diego Zoo Global and focuses on optimizing breeding success in conservation breeding programs.