Oregon Wild hosts some pretty cool hikes/outings throughout the year which are perfect for families to get out and enjoy nature. One that we have our eye on is coming up on Oct 22 from 08:15 am to 06:00 pm. It’s a moderate, 4 to 5 mile round trip, mushroom and plant identification hike into newly designated Wilderness (NOT the Eagle Creek in the Columbia River Gorge) and the existing Salmon Huckleberry Wilderness Area–north east of Estacada.
Sign up for the hike here. (Sign up includes an evening instructional presentation with naturalist Wendell Wood on the evening of Tuesday, October 18th.)
Help Oregon Wild continue to provide high-quality, guided hikes into Oregon’s spectacular wildlands by making a small donation (suggested $5-$10 dollar). To join Oregon Wild please click here. You’ll probably come back with a couple of these guys to cook up!

Chantrelle Mushrooms
I have a post about Eagle Creek! As crowded as it can be, it really is a phenomenal place.
Can these be darker brown and bowed down – looking like a large open flower – thick leaved and yellow meat? Found 2 large ones behind office here in town on Mill Creek. Salem. Closest pic I can find. Know these are edible but the ones here not sure.
Donna, I’ll check with my current mushroom intern Ed and get back to you 🙂
PS Heads are not solid but split like a daisy without all the ruffle edge so squared off sharper edges. Just interested scientifically.