Support PDXWildlife’s Conservation Efforts
Your tax-deductible donation will be used to help support our mate choice and breeding conservation projects here at PDXWildlife. Click on the donate button below to be directed to our secure paypal donation page.
If you have any question in regards to donations, please contact-
Meghan Martin @ 503-515-8524 or email: meg@pdxwildlife.com
Thank you for your support.

"Bamboo" Package
$100 Donation: One-of-a-kind digital professional quality photo of your favorite panda at the CCRCGP

"Panda Pal" Package
$500 Donation: One-of-a-kind digital professional quality photo shoot of your favorite Bifengxia pandas (10 photos) and a PDXWildlife shirt

"Bear-Cat Buddy" Package
$1000 Donation: One-of-a-kind digital professional quality photo shoot of your favorite Bifengxia Pandas (20 photos), a Personalized Adoption Certificate, PDXWildlife shirt, tote bag, reusable water bottle and car decal

"Panda-monium" Package
$5000 Donation: Everything in the “Bear-cat Buddy” Package, personal access to a PDXWildlife staff scientist, and get hosted for a “Day in the Life of a PDXWildlife Scientist”. We’ll host you for a day at the panda base where we’ll teach you about our research, train you in our methods, take you to lunch & dinner, and help you visit your favorite panda.