Dear Panda People,

Aren’t we just the cutest?!
I just want all of you to know that I really miss Hot Cheetos right now. I could also really go for big juicy double-double at In ‘n’ Out with a side of animal-style fries.
Anyways, this week I got to observe Cui Cui for her maternal behavior! Cui Cui’s daughter was born on the 17th of August 39 minutes after midnight. Cui Cui is 10 years old. She’s funny, she does this thing where she holds her little cub in her arm and bounces her up and down – like a person would do when comforting their baby. She also tries her hardest to not disturb the cub once she falls asleep; her attempts to switch positions or eat while the baby is sleeping are adorably hilarious. I’m finding it hard to not anthropomorphize the pandas; they seem like humans in panda suits! What an amazing animal!

Cui Cui (enjoying some bamboo shoot) and her 1 month old cub!
Here are a few more of her that Meghan took in August when she was here and the baby was only 2 weeks old.
Bonus Picture:

The two little girls from downstairs. They are the sweetest little things!
It is so fun to hear how the pandas are all alike but yet different! Cui Cui is probably enjoying a little peace when her cub is asleep and doesn’t want that peace disturbed! I would gladly change places with you and give up hot Cheetos for a chance at the pandas! Keep up the good work! Enjoy your insights!