In preparation for going to the Wolong Panda Base in a few days to start a new study on panda reintroductions, I have been tasked with collecting urine samples from some of the pandas here at Bifengxia. By January 8th, I need to have collected urine from one male and one female, as well as a scent marking from one male and one female. 4 samples didn’t seem like it would be too difficult, but boy was I wrong.

Bai Yang contemplating helping me with some scent marking.

Bai Yang contemplating helping me with some scent marking.

From communication barriers in explaining what I need, to the pandas seeming too shy to urinate in front of me, it’s been a fairly tough task. As I go about my daily stereotypical studies, I am constantly on the lookout for the panda I am studying, or any pandas around me urinating or scent marking. A study I conducted a few days ago with Yao Man was particularly frustrating, as she was drinking water through the entire study, making me believe she would provide a sample, eventually. Which she did, directly into her large water bowl, making it impossible to collect on the piece of pine bark I need it on.

Luckily I have recently enlisted the aid of one of the panda keepers at the breeding center to be on the lookout for urinating bears. I have been visiting her daily, asking if there are any areas where I can easily put my pieces of pine bark to collect. And thankfully, with her help, I have been able to collect the urine samples for both male and female pandas. And from previous studies, I knew that Bai Yang scent marks a lot during the morning on one specific tree; I staked out that tree this morning and was able to quickly collect the scent marking as soon as his keepers moved him to a different enclosure for cleaning. Now I have 4 days to collect 1 more scent mark sample.

img_7925Hi everyone- I’m Zachary David. If you enjoyed reading my post, let me know by commenting below. I like the feedback. Cheers!