by Meg | May 23, 2013 | Conservation, Current Endangered Species News, Endangered Species, Panda, Science, wildlife
Have you all seen the new photos of wild pandas World Wildlife Fund just published? Well, most of them aren’t of giant pandas but other neat wildlife their photo traps captured but it’s still exciting to start to learn more about these elusive animals in...
by Meg | May 13, 2013 | Internship, Panda, Science, wildlife |
A few days after the earthquake, I returned to the panda base and everything seemed pretty much back to normal. The pandas seemed to be behaving normally (sleeping and eating) although I did read a report that the younger pandas had a hard time dealing with the...
by ddishman | May 9, 2013 | Around PDX, Science
Who wants lunch? If you’ve been following us here at PDXWildlife you know we’re big fans of sustainable seafood. And so is our home state! As a result of grants from the Farm to School and School Garden bill, schools in Bend, Oregon have implemented a...
by Meg | Apr 21, 2013 | Current Endangered Species News, Endangered Species, Environmental Impact, Internship, Panda, Science |
Just wanted to let everyone know that the BiFengXia panda base and our intern Stephanie were both unhurt in the earthquake in Lushan, China (very close to Ya’An). Here’s Stephanie’s blog reporting the entire experience: Steph writes,...
by Meg | Apr 4, 2013 | Conservation, Endangered Species, Internship, Panda, Science, wildlife
It’s been a week since I’ve arrived in China and I already feel as though it has been the experience of a lifetime. I arrived in Ya’An on the 20th of March feeling extremely jet-lagged from the almost 3 day trip but within a couple of days was right on track and...
by Meg | Mar 24, 2013 | animal, Endangered Species, Internship, Panda, Science, wildlife
As Nate mentioned earlier, Stephanie (our new intern) arrived just in the nick of time for breeding season to go into full swing. It’s as if the pandas new she’d be completely overwhelmed if they all went into estrous the first couple of days she arrived....