by Meg | Jun 9, 2013 | Around PDX, Conservation, Current Endangered Species News, Environmental Impact, pollution, Science, wildlife
Did you know that this past week our lovely city Portland hosted World Environmental Day? We were chosen for our environtmentally friendly city. Way to go Portland, we’re proud of you!
by Meg | Jun 7, 2013 | Conservation, Endangered Species, Panda, Science, wildlife
My first year in China the Ross School visited with Rustic Pathways and interviewed me for their giant panda video. Here’s the final version – supposedly it’s been viewed at the White House! Hope you enjoyed learning more about the plight of the...
by Meg | Jun 5, 2013 | Conservation, Education, Endangered Species, Internship, Panda, Science
I’d like you to meet our new summer intern. Amélie Le Roy will be joining the panda team at the end of June when Stephanie leaves and she’ll primarily be working on finishing up the stereotypical and personality studies that Stephanie is working on. Amélie...
by ddishman | May 31, 2013 | Science
Don’t forget to come out and support PDXWildlife, PDXSeafood, and other great ocean organizations this Sunday, June 2nd at OMSI! Special events and speakers from 10am-3pm, and it’s only $2!! We’ll see you there! ...
by Meg | May 27, 2013 | Science |
Exciting news from Indonesia! The Javan Gibbon Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (JGC) is getting ready to release their second pair of Javan gibbons!! Sadewa and Kiki will be released this June into Gunung Puntang-Mt. Malabar Protected Forest in Bandung, West Java....
by ddishman | May 25, 2013 | Science
Staff from PDXWildlife will be at OMSI a week from tomorrow to celebrate World Ocean’s Day by spreading the word about our sustainable seafood project, PDXSeafood! There will also be lots of great information about the current state of the world’s...