by Meg | Sep 7, 2014 | Around PDX, Endangered Species, Panda, Science
I’m presenting panda stuff this coming Monday (9/8) starting @ 7pm at the Hollywood theater through OMSI Science Brewpub. “Giant pandas have long captured the hearts and imaginations of millions and are considered the “poster child” for conservation...
by Meg | Jul 20, 2014 | Science
Do you want Katherine’s internship? Check out the posting for a new PDXSeafood Intern and send it to anyone you think may be interested! We’re looking for someone to start fall term (hopefully someone who can overlap with Katherine at the end of...
by Meg | May 20, 2014 | Around PDX, Conservation, Endangered Species, Environmental Impact, Internship, Science, Sustainable seafood, wildlife
Diana and I are excited to kick off another season of recruiting restaurants to the PDXSeafood program – it’s been slow going but we’ve contributed this to our inability to make face-to-face contact with Portland restaurants. This year we wizened up...
by Meg | Apr 1, 2014 | Around PDX, Environmental Impact, Science
This isn’t related to animal conservation per se but since it’s gardening season and I’m associated with the Oregon Zoo I thought it would be great to plug OZ’s Zoo Doo program. Basically the zoo composts the ungulate feces, hay, and excess...
by Meg | Mar 14, 2014 | Conservation, Panda, Science, Travel, wildlife
With our China trip just around the corner, we have nearly everything prepared. Even though we don’t leave for a month, it’s best to check items off of your to-do-list as soon as possible. Here is a condensed version of what needs to be done- 1) Book...
by Meg | Jan 29, 2014 | animal, Conservation, Current Endangered Species News, Endangered Species, Environmental Impact, Internship, Panda, Science, Travel, wildlife
We will be returning to China beginning April 12th. Although this trip will not be nearly as long as our previous visits, we hope to accomplish much. We regret not being able to devote more time to our travels, but 2014 seems to be the year to wrap up all of our...