We returned to Bifengxia this afternoon and nothing says “welcome home” quite like a dozen curious panda faces all fixated on your presence.

It might have been that I was sampling their bamboo right outside of their cages at feeding time, but I’d like to think that they missed me these past five days. With my mind fixated on collecting bamboo for our mercury project, I only managed to snap a single photo of Cui Cui. Quite the photogenic ham. She stood on her hind legs once she saw me. Always makes you want to reach in and give em’ a great big bear hug.

As the day has been fairly long with extended bus rides and plenty of traffic due to the holiday (Dragon Boat Festival), the rest of the day was spent in the office preparing for my departure. One of the last items I have to do before I leave is to package our bamboo and inform the U.S. Gov’t of my port of entry. All of this is a requirement of our import permit. Fun stuff.

No worries though. Our end of the day plans involve cooling off by the river with a few frosty beverages and Chinese hamburgers.