2017 was quite a year for PDXWildlife in terms of scientific publications, internship opportunities, and trips to China to support our continued research on giant pandas. However, as we look ahead to 2018, the travel schedule doesn’t seem to be slowing down. On January 15th our lead field technician, Zachary David, will return to Gengda to continue our novel reintroduction research at Tiantaishan and Hetaoping. As this work is vital in bridging the increasing captive giant panda population with future releases, we are eager to understand what makes a panda better suited for returning to the wild.
With the completion of the remodel at Gengda (Shenshuping) later this month, Meghan will return for another breeding season to support our Male-Male competition study. This research will answer multiple longstanding questions in regards to intra-sexual interactions, of which captive male pandas have none. As part of this effort, we have filled multiple internship positions to tackle the complex and busy breeding schedule. After solidifying a the breeding plan and bringing the interns up to 90% inter-observer reliability, Meghan or myself (undecided) will travel to Bifengxia to train a single intern on fecal lyophilization. For this position, we are still looking for a qualified candidate.
- Meghan, Dee & Nathan
- Map of China panda bases
- Meghan & Nathan in Panda Suits
In between our trips to Bifengxia and Gengda, we are compiling and analyzing our previously collected data on multiple long-running studies that are near and dear to our hearts- Maternal Care, which is one of Meghan’s favorites, as well as Stereotypic Analysis, which is one of my favorites. Also in the works is the final write-up on our Mercury and Methylmercury project. With any luck, we will be able to get one of these out before the heavy travel schedule ramps up. Here is a quick snapshot of what we have in store so far for the first part of 2018-
- Jan. 15th, Reintroduction studies at Tiantaishan & Hetaoping
- Feb. 14th, ORTWS joint conference & PDXWildlife presentation
- Feb. 16th, Shenshuping breeding season begins
- Mar. 7th, Bifengxia stereotypic research & fecal lyophilization
- Mar. 9th, San Diego- Pandamonium conference
As for the other two-thirds of 2018, we are still solidifying our plans but will continue to have a year-round presence at Gengda and Bifengxia, providing all of our followers with bear updates. We enjoy fulfilling your requests for pictures or for more information on our research as this “breeds” a healthy relationship between science and the community. As we have access to most of the bears at the CCRCGP, we will continue to provide information on your favorite pandas. Just send us a gentle reminder and we will do our best to fulfill your request.
Between Meghan and myself, we spend about four months a year in Sichuan, China, training future biologists, collecting data and meeting other panda enthusiasts. We often give small tours of our research at Bifengxia and Gengda to those who are willing to make the long trip. If you are interested, send us an email so we can help you make some plans. We’ve been making this journey for almost a decade, so we promise to offer some great travel tips. Feel free to contact us using nate’s email-nate@pdxwildlife.com. Thanks for reading and enjoy the new year.
PDXWildlife is a 501 (c) (3) conservation non-profit and 100% of the donations that we receive go to fund research on giant pandas. To make a secure donation, we have setup a paypal account HERE. Talk soon!
You guys are busy, busy, busy! Smiled when I saw the March 9th commitment. San Diego Pandamonium conference. Looking forward to meeting up again.
Will have to think about a future trip with you two as tour guide!
And then there is the scientific stuff….keep up the good work!!
Hi Diana,
Dee and I are both excited to attend. She keeps reminding me that we are going to San Diego in March. I think our long distance flights have created a monster as she loves to fly.
Can’t wait to see what 2018 brings for our beloved pandas! Thank you so much!
Sincerely, JoAnn Mann
Hi JoAnn,
Looks like a busy year. Let’s hope the breeding season doesn’t start without us.
It would be hard to top 2017 but I hope the pandas do!
Keep up the good work! Thanks for all you do!
Sincerely, JoAnn
We’re so excited for 2018! The male-male competition data collection will be finished! Can’t wait to see what we find!
I’m sure that there will be some surprises but I think that females would be more receptive to a male of THEIR choosing- no matter how competitive the males are or what the CCRCGP says! Anyway – I hope we have lots of cubbies to talk about next Fall!