Becoming a PDXSeafood Member

The PDXSeafood initiative has been discontinued. For information about PDX Wildlife, please visit us at

Participation is open to any restaurant oR food service business that regularly serves seafood.


How your restaurant Can help the Oceans

Restaurants act as gatekeepers to the nation’s seafood supply, with 67% of all seafood by dollar value moving through restaurants to the consumer.  This means that restaurants who choose sustainable seafood can have a significant impact on conserving the health of the oceans.  As a business, you can show consumers that you are involved in making sustainable seafood choices through providing sustainable menu options and removing seafood species on the Seafood Watch “Avoid” list.  By choosing sustainable options, you help support fisherman, businesses, and companies who are actively finding innovative solutions to overfishing, bycatch, habitat destruction, and unsustainable agriculture.  By marking sustainable options on your menus you empower your costumers to become involved too!

Does my restaurant (or other business) have to go completely sustainable to be part of the PDXseafood program?

No. In order to join the PDXSeafood program partners are only required to include a minimum number of the most sustainable “Best Choices” options on their menu and to highlight those items with the PDXSeafood logo. Many restaurants may already have one or two such items on their menus and not even know it! The objective is to have sustainable, ocean-friendly options clearly identifiable for consumers so that they can make that choice.

What does PDXSeafood Give to partners?

  • A window decal for your restaurant so Oregonians can clearly identify your business as being dedicated to sustainable options
  • Promotion of your restaurant on our website’s “List of Participating Restaurants”
  • Training sessions for front line and kitchen staff so that they feel comfortable and confident answering patron questions about sustainable seafood
  • An invitation to participate in joint media events promoting the program and its partners
  • Use of the PDXSeafood brand
  • The most up-to-date scientific information regarding fisheries and sustainable seafood options via Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program, with regular updates on local suppliers.

What Does PDXSeafood ask of Partners?

  • Complete a full assessment of the sustainability of all seafood items on your menu by one of our staff members when joining the program
  • Use the PDXSeafood logo to indicate select sustainable seafood items on your menu, and display the PDXSeafood logo on-site to indicate your participation
  • Commit to not adding any unsustainable “Avoid” list species to your menu
  • Participate in joint media events (optional)
  • Provide pre- and post-program seafood sales data to help track the success of your commitment (such data will remain confidential)

Want to do Even More for PDXSeafood?

What if you’re so committed to the sustainable seafood movement that you want to do more to help spread the PDXSeafood program?  We understand that you may be hoping to support PDXSeafood even more than outlined above!  Members are encouraged to do any and/or all of the following to help raise funds for our mission:

  • Host a weekly or monthly PDXSeafood Awareness Night, where 15% of your proceeds from the evening are donated to program costs
  • Create a PDXSeafood Signature Dish where 50% of all of the proceeds from that dish are donated to the PDXSeafood program
  • Support another restaurant’s participation in the program by donating the cost to re-print their menus
  • Volunteer to be a PDXSeafood Mentor Restaurant and help similar businesses transition into sustainable seafood practices (note: all of the seafood items on your menu must meet the highest sustainability standards before becoming a mentor)
  • Sponsor a special event at your restaurant for PDXSeafood

Please contact to discuss ways you can further support our program!